Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Brother, Can You Spare Some Common-Damn-Sense??

Okay, so I haven't really heard the entire story, but I did hear the audio clip. Whoopi Goldberg defended Michael Vick's dog fighting/gambling habit because it's "part of the Southern culture?" I am not from the Deep South. Perhaps I am not understanding the culture so good (imagine Slavic accent). I'm from Texas, though, and we do share some common Southern traditions with GA, AL, MS, and LA. Among some of these shared traditions are the culinary delights of iced tea, cornbread, and grits. We follow our dessert with coffee. It's the home of Southern Baptism and some remainder of gentility.

Among these, setting starved, beaten, angry, scared animals on each other for pure enjoyment IS NOT.

It's like saying that if you come from a lower-class neighborhood where developing a crack or crystal meth habit is "part of the culture" then it is permissable and perhaps encouraged for you to also develop a crack or crystal meth habit.

Why defend the guy? Is it because he's a celebrity? Is it because he's African-American? Is it because he's a bazillionaire that can get away with whatever he wants because he's got bazillions of dollars to cover his tracks?


See: "Justice" for Paris & Lindsey


J.T. said...

I guess the REAL question is... was he born a gambling, dog-murdering thug - or did he choose to be a gambling, dog-murdering thug.

I mean... you can't help it if you're born that way, right?

The Bagboy said...

You are correct madam. They should put YOU on The View. I'd watch that for a dollar!